Week 41: The fascinating powers of a simple Montessori egg

Baby sitting up and playing with a wooden ball and cup

As simple as it is, the wood cup and egg is fascinating to babies. It’s also quite useful; it helps your baby learn to use both sides of their body at the same time, a skill that’s important for future tasks like getting dressed. Your baby needs lots of experience using both hands at once. This practice builds the speed of communication between their brain’s two hemispheres.

  • In the beginning, your baby will probably just enjoy banging the egg and cup together—they’re still using both sides of their body to do this.
  • See if they can dump the egg out of the cup at first. Eventually, they’ll work out how to put the egg back in.
  • Show your baby how to set the egg in the cup and then take it out again.
  • Have your baby hold the egg in one hand and the cup in the other, then encourage them to put the two together.
  • You can help guide their hands while standing or sitting behind your baby.


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Posted in: 9 - 10 Months, The Play Kits, Fine Motor, Montessori, Child Development

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