Privacy Statement Lovevery


Last Updated: July 16, 2024

This Privacy Statement ("Privacy Statement") describes the privacy practices applicable to Lovevery, Inc., Lovevery Europe B.V., Lovevery Australia Proprietary Limited, and their respective affiliates (collectively, "Lovevery", "we", "us" or "our"), which operate,,, and  (collectively, the "Site"), respectively. This Privacy Statement informs individuals ("user(s)", "you" or "your") about our collection, use, disclosure, and protection of information we collect from you and applies to information we collect or process whenever you interact with us, including when you visit our Site; use our mobile application (the "App"); visit Lovevery’s parent course platform or any other Lovevery platform; create an account with us on our Site, our App, or any other Lovevery platform; apply for a job opportunity; provide services on our behalf; enrol in one of our competitions, sweepstakes, programmes, or other promotions; purchase our products or otherwise receive our services (collectively "information" or "user information"). This Privacy Statement applies to Lovevery, the Site, the App, other Lovevery platforms, and all products and services offered by Lovevery (collectively, the "Offerings"). It does not apply to information collected by any third party, including through any application or content (including advertising) that may link to or be accessible from or on the Site. If you do not agree with this Privacy Statement, please do not access or use any of the Offerings.

What information does Lovevery collect, and how does it collect this information?

How we collect information

Lovevery collects and uses information when a user:

  • visits the Site;

  • communicates with us via email, live chat, or any other means (for example, sends us a question); calls us;

  • purchases a product or service, including a subscription, from Lovevery;

  • makes a personal account via any of the Offerings;

  • registers for, or accesses any of the Offerings;

  • logs in to any of the Offerings with credentials from a third-party site; 

  • participates in a Lovevery competition, sweepstake, giveaway, or other promotion;

  • registers for Lovevery’s blog, newsletter, or other communications; or

  • uses other features of any of the Offerings that may be offered from time to time.

In addition, Lovevery collects and uses information about individuals when:

  • an applicant for employment with Lovevery sends us his or her information;

  • we engage service providers to provide Lovevery services; and

  • we engage in sales and marketing efforts, including through third-party vendors.

We also use various technologies to automatically collect information about users, including information about their online behaviour and devices. Information collected through technology includes usage details, IP addresses, geolocation information, operating systems, browser types, unique device identifiers, and other information about browsing activity, device, and internet connection.

Third-party advertising companies and our service providers may also use cookies and other technologies to collect information about users and their activities on the Offerings, and other websites, for a variety of purposes, including providing users with advertisements that may be of interest to them on the Site or other Offerings, and third-party sites. This type of advertisement customisation is sometimes referred to as "online behavioural" or "interest-based" advertising. The use of tracking technologies by third parties via the Offerings is subject to those third parties’ privacy policies, and not this Privacy Statement. Please see the section below for information about how you can opt out of some forms of interest-based advertising.

A do-not-track signal ("DNT") prevents web applications from tracking you. You can learn more about DNT at The Site does not respond to "Do Not Track" or other automated signals on browsers.

We use Google Analytics to analyse usage of the Site and App. You can review how Google uses this information and opt out of Google’s collection and use of this information by visiting

What we collect

We may collect the following information from users:

  • information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, address, email address, sex and gender, telephone number, date of birth, and employment history, as well as your child’s name and your relationship to the child (collectively, "personal information");

  • demographic information, such as your occupation, marital status, ethnicity, religion, country of origin, education, language preference, number of people in your living unit by age, household income, property type and characteristics, land/home value, dwelling type, and asset value;

  • company name;

  • gifting, referral, and family relationships;

  • login information, such as username and password;

  • information regarding Site, App, and other visits to any of the Offerings, such as the type of browser and operating system, the domain name, the Internet service provider, which pages are visited and for how long, geographic location, and the unique number (such as IP address) assigned to a server or Internet connection; and

  • information associated with a user’s social media or third-party account, if used to log in to the Site, the App, or other Offerings.

Payment information, including credit card information, is processed by third parties and third-party processing applications, such as Shop Pay, PayPal, and Klarna, and not by Lovevery. We do not have access to the credit card and payment information collected by those third parties and you should review their privacy policies before submitting your information to them.

You may refuse to supply information, but it may prevent you from using the Offerings, or engaging in certain interactions with us, such as seeking employment with us.

We may process additional information in the context of fraudulent transactions, the Dutch Financial Supervision Act, and/or other legal or regulatory obligations applicable to Lovevery.

By submitting any of this information to Lovevery, you agree that Lovevery may collect your information and you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, and transfer of this information in accordance with this Privacy Statement and as permitted by applicable law. For information on how to withdraw your consent to our collection of personal information, see below.

For what purposes does Lovevery process information?

We process information for various purposes, including:

  • to comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements;

  • to be able to deliver and provide our Offerings;

  • to provide relevant information to, and respond to questions from, users, including from parents about their child’s development;

  • to process payments;

  • to create, manage, and administer accounts;

  • to answer questions and/or comments received from users;

  • to administer, fulfil, and enforce contractual obligations;

  • to keep users informed about our current and future Offerings;

  • to learn about and analyse users’ demographics, interests, behaviours, and relationships for marketing and other similar purposes;

  • to promote our Offerings, including through online behavioural advertising;

  • to conduct web analytics, including analysing usage patterns on the Site, the App, and other Lovevery platforms;

  • to manage our business and support business functions;

  • to evaluate job applicants;

  • to develop new Offerings;

  • to notify you of product recalls or safety issues;

  • to enter into business relationships with service providers and other third parties;

  • to improve the quality and security of the Offerings; and

  • for any purpose to which you consent.

We may combine the information we collect with publicly available information and information we receive from our parent, affiliate, or subsidiary companies, business partners, and other third parties. We may use that combined information to enhance and personalise your experience with us, to communicate with you about products, services, and events that may be of interest to you, for promotional purposes, and for other purposes described in this Privacy Statement, and are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which it is provided.

On what grounds does Lovevery process information?

For data subjects in the European Union and European Economic Area (collectively, "EU"), the United Kingdom ("UK"), Switzerland, Australia, and New Zealand we process information based on the following grounds:

  • consent, which can be revoked at any time pursuant to the procedures set forth herein;

  • the promotion of our legitimate interests;

  • the preparation and implementation of an agreement;

  • to comply with a legal obligation; and/or

  • for data subjects in Australia, for the purpose that we first collected the information or, if relevant, a related secondary purpose that you would have reasonably expected.

With which parties does Lovevery share information?

We may share with third parties, without restriction, information that is not personal information or has been deidentified or anonymised so that the third party cannot personally identify you from the information we share. 

We share personal information with contractors, service providers, business parties, advertisers and other third parties that we engage to provide services to us or to support our business and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential. The parties involved in the above processes may only process information when reasonably necessary for any of the purposes stated above and pursuant to our instructions. The above excludes text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties; provided, however that the foregoing does not apply to sharing (a) with service providers who need access to such information to provide services on our behalf (and who will not use such information for their own purposes); (b) if disclosure is required by any applicable law, rule, or regulation or to comply with law enforcement or legal process; or (c) if you consent to our sharing of such information.

We may share or transfer personal information if we enter into a business transaction, such as a merger, acquisition, reorganisation, bankruptcy, or sale of some or all of our assets, or in preparation for any of these events in accordance with applicable laws.

We may disclose personal information if we believe that any of the Offerings are being used to commit unlawful acts; if disclosure of information is required to comply with applicable laws or regulations or with a court or administrative order or will help to enforce any applicable terms of use; to protect your safety or security, including the safety and security of property that belongs to you; to protect the safety and security of the Site, the App, other Lovevery platform, or third parties; to enforce our Terms of Service or other agreements; or as otherwise permitted by applicable laws.

We may also share your personal information with other parties based on your consent.

When we obtain information about you, we may transfer, process, and store this information outside of the country in which you reside, including in the United States. By using the Services, you consent to the transfer to and processing and storage of your information in countries outside of your country of residence, which may have different data protection laws than those in the country where you reside. If you are located outside the U.S., please be advised that by submitting information to Lovevery, you explicitly authorise and acknowledge its transfer to, and storage and processing in, the U.S. and that the U.S. does not offer safeguards to protect information that are as stringent as some other jurisdictions around the world. The EU, for example, does not consider U.S. privacy safeguards to be adequate to protect personal information. When we collect information from outside of the U.S., we may rely on various mechanisms to transfer and process that information in the U.S. Where permitted under applicable laws, these mechanisms may include, but are not limited to: your consent; the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims; or legal arrangements, such as data protection clauses; or the performance of a contract which provide comparable safeguards to your jurisdiction's privacy laws. If we rely solely on your consent, and not another mechanism, you have the right to withdraw your consent at or by contacting Lovevery customer support if you are located in the United States or Canada, if you are located in Australia or New Zealand, or by contacting us at if you are located in the EU, the UK, or Switzerland. Lovevery, Inc. and Lovevery Europe B.V have entered Standard Contractual Clauses governing the transfer of information from Lovevery Europe B.V. to Lovevery, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the cross-border transfer of information, please contact Lovevery customer support, if you are located in the United States or Canada, if you are located in Australia, New Zealand or Singapore, or by contacting us at if you are located in the EU, the UK, or Switzerland.

Children under the age of 13

In the event that a user makes certain purchases based on his or her child’s age or registers for the App, we specifically also collect and process the name and date of birth of the child. Your provision of this information constitutes your consent to its processing. Furthermore, if a user of the App provides us with additional information about his or her child when interacting with the App (for example, via the Expert Q&A function), we will also collect and process that information.

We will limit our collection of personal information of children to no more than is reasonably necessary for operation of the Site and App. You may request access to personal information we have collected about your children, or request that this information be changed or deleted, by contacting us at

What rights and choices do users have?

Accessing and Changing Your Information.

If you have an account with us, you can review and change the personal information associated with your account by logging into your account and visiting your account profile page. We may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any laws or legal requirements or cause the information to be incorrect.

Opt-Out of Marketing.

You may opt-out of receiving marketing communications directly from us by contacting Lovevery customer support, if you are located in the United States or Canada, if you are located in Australia New Zealand, or Singapore, or if you are located in the EU, the UK, or Switzerland. Even if you opt-out, we may still use and share the information we collect for non-marketing purposes.

Unsubscribe from Emails.

Our marketing emails will include an automated way for you to opt-out (unsubscribe) from marketing emails sent by us. To unsubscribe, please follow the instructions in the email you receive.

Interest-Based Advertising.

Although we do not control third parties’ collection or use of your information to serve interest-based advertising or other targeted content, a number of these third parties may provide you with ways to choose not to have your information collected or used in this way. You can opt-out of receiving targeted advertisements from members of the Network Advertising Initiative by visiting

European Union and United Kingdom Data Subjects.

If you are a resident of the EU, the UK, or Switzerland and the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), UK General Data Protection Regulation, or Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (or any applicable predecessor act) (collectively, "European Privacy Law") applies to our processing of your personal information (as defined in the applicable European Privacy Law) as a data controller, you have the following rights with regard to the processing of personal information:

  • Right of access

    • The user has the right to view the information that we collect from him or her. If a user requests this, we will provide the user with an overview of the information that we process about the user.

  • Right to rectification

    • If a user requests this, we will rectify or supplement the user’s information.

  • Right to erasure and the right to be forgotten

    • The user has the right to request the deletion of his or her information. We are obliged to delete processed user information in the following cases:

      • the information is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was originally processed;

      • the user withdraws his or her consent and there are no other legal grounds for the processing;

      • the user objects to the processing and we have no legitimate interest in processing the user’s information;

      • the user’s information has been processed unlawfully; or

      • the user’s information must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation.

  • The right to restriction

    • The user has the right to temporarily cease the processing of his or her information in the following cases:

      • the user disputes the accuracy of his or her information for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of his or her information;

      • the processing is unlawful and the user is against the erasure of his or her information and instead requests the restriction of the processing of his or her information; or

      • we no longer need the information for our processing, but the user needs his or her information for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims.

  • Right to object

    • The user has the right to object to the processing of his or her information in the following cases:

      • the processing is based on our legitimate interests;

      • we process the user’s information for direct marketing; or

      • we process the user’s information for scientific research or statistical purposes.

    • However, we may decline the user’s request if we have compelling, legitimate grounds that outweigh his or her interests, or if the processing is for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims.

  • Right to data portability

    • A user has the right to obtain the personal information provided by him or her to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable form and to transfer the personal information to another party. On request, we can transfer the personal information for the user, if this is technically possible. The right to data portability can only be exercised when the following two grounds are met:

      • the processing is based on the user’s consent or on the performance of an agreement; and

      • the processing is carried out by automated processes.

    • A user can submit a request to us to exercise one or more of the above rights. The user must provide contact details with this request, so that we can contact the user in response to his or her request. We reserve the right to ask the user to verify his or her identity, with the level and type of verification depending on the nature of the request and/or the nature of the personal information involved in the request. We will not generally charge fees to handle requests; however, if requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may deny them or charge a fee.

    • A user can send his or her request to us by e-mail to or by letter to Lovevery Europe B.V., Prinsengracht 769, 1017 JZ Amsterdam, Chamber of Commerce number 78165008. The user must be as clear and precise as possible in the request. The user must, in any case, state which right he or she wishes to exercise and on what grounds.

    • A user has the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority at any time if he or she believes that his or her privacy rights are being violated. However, we would appreciate it if the user could submit the reason for the complaint to us first, so that we can come to a solution together with the user.

    • The rights listed above have important legal exceptions and limitations. We may deny or exclude certain information when responding to the request, for example, to protect the privacy of other individuals, if disclosure is not required by law, or for legal or other reasons.

    • For purposes of the GDPR, the data controller is Lovevery Europe B.V., Prinsengracht 769, 1017 JZ Amsterdam, Chamber of Commerce number 78165008.  The data protection officer may be contacted at for EU and Swiss data subjects or for UK data subjects.

You have the right to complain to an applicable data protection authority. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority, for which contact information may be found here:

Australian and New Zealand Data Subjects.

If a user is located in Australia or New Zealand, he or she is entitled to certain rights under the Australian Privacy Principles ("APPs") set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (for Australian users) or the New Zealand Privacy Principles ("NZPPs") set out in the Privacy Act 2020 (for New Zealand users), including the right to access, correct, or restrict the processing of his or her personal information or to complain about a breach of the APPs or NZPPs.

An Australia- or New Zealand-based user can send his or her request to exercise these rights by email to A user has the right to file a complaint with the Australian Information Commissioner (if Australian-based) or with the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner (if New Zealand-based) at any time if he or she believes that his or her privacy rights are being violated. However, we would appreciate it if the user could submit the reason for the complaint to us first, so that we can come to a solution together with the user.

Notice to California Residents.

If you are a California resident, you have additional rights with respect to your information, as set forth in our California Privacy Notice.

Notice to California Residents.

If a user is a Canadian resident, he or she may have the right to access and rectify the personal information we hold about them in accordance with the laws applicable in the province in which he or she resides. If a user believes that their personal information is inaccurate, incomplete, or no longer up to date, or wishes to access this personal information, he or she may send a request to Lovevery customer support. We will respond to a user’s request if and as required by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act or other applicable laws.

Notice to Singapore Residents.

If you are a Singapore resident, you have additional rights with respect to your information, as set forth in our Singapore Privacy Notice.


Notice to App Users.

If a user creates an account on the App, they may also delete their App account by (a) visiting the App "Settings" and clicking "Delete App Account" or (b) contacting Lovevery customer support. If the App account is deleted, it will delete the user’s saved bookmarks and personal information submitted by the user via the App. Deletion of an App account will not delete subscriptions, orders, accounts created on the Site, or personal information submitted via the Site or other Offerings.

How does Lovevery secure information?

Although we apply technical and organisational controls that we believe are reasonably appropriate to protect personal information, including the use of secure databases for personal information, we cannot guarantee that our security precautions will protect against the loss or misuse of information. Similarly, we cannot guarantee the privacy or security of information you transmit over the Internet or that may be collected in transit by others, including contractors that provide services to us.

How long does Lovevery keep information?

We keep information for as long as necessary for the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Statement, including for the fulfilment of our contractual and legal obligations, and for as long as a user accepts marketing communications from us. We may also process and retain information for other purposes, if and/or for as long as the law allows us to retain it for certain purposes. This includes defence against possible legal claims.

If you request that we delete your personal information in accordance with the provisions outlined above, we will do our best to carry out your request as soon as possible, but we cannot promise deletion will occur within a specific timeframe. In addition, there may be circumstances in which we will not be able to honour your request. For example, if you request 100% deletion, we may still need to retain certain personal information to complete a transaction you initiated, to comply with legal and/or regulatory obligations, to notify you of product recalls or safety issues, if we become aware of abuse or other violations of our Terms of Service, or for other permitted purposes. If you request that we delete your information, it may affect our ability to provide you with products and services and may affect your ability to use the Site and App.

Other websites and links

The Offerings may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the information collection or the privacy practices of other websites. You should consult the privacy policies of other sites before you visit those sites or provide any information to those sites. Social networking sites may connect your visit to the Offerings with your information. We do not control the privacy practices of these third-party sites.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to supplement or change this Privacy Statement and implement new or revised privacy policies, in particular affecting countries or regions, at any time and from time to time. The most recent version of our Privacy Statement can be found on the Site, the App, and other Lovevery platforms. The date this Privacy Statement was last updated is at the top of this page. We therefore recommend that users visit this page regularly to learn more about the information we process. If we materially change the way we process users’ information or if we need to notify our users of a material change to the information we hold about them, we will contact those users by emailing them or otherwise notifying them in writing.

By continuing to access or use the Offerings after changes to this Privacy Statement become effective, you agree to be bound by the terms of the revised Privacy Statement.


We are always happy to answer questions from users regarding the processing of their information by Lovevery. Users can contact Lovevery customer support, if you are located in the United States or Canada, (or at Lovevery Australia, 1/22-28 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby NSW 2077, Australia) if you are located in Australia, New Zealand or Singapore, or if you are located in the EU, the UK, or Switzerland.

Cookie Statement Lovevery

Cookie Statement Lovevery


What is a cookie?

A cookie is an amount of data that is stored by the browser on your computer when you visit our website. If you visit our website again, this information may be sent to us again. In this way our website can recognize "you".

Why do we use cookies?

Functional, analytical and marketing cookies are used on our website. These cookies ensure that you can make optimal use of our website. For example, we may use cookies to track your activities on our website, including what items you have placed in your cart, or if you’ve abandoned your cart. In addition, we allow third parties to use the cookies to display advertisements that match your interests. Below is an explanation of the types of cookies used on our website.

Functional cookies

These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. Without these cookies, certain parts of the website cannot work.

Analytical cookies

These cookies are used to analyze the quality and effectiveness of the website. The information is used to analyze and improve the website.

Marketing cookies

These cookies are used to target advertisements to a user. They are often served by outside companies and track a user across different websites.

Social Media

At the bottom of our website you will find links for podcasts to the channels Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Play. These links can be used to navigate to our special podcasts. Lovevery® is not responsible for the privacy practices of these channels; they determine how their websites work. The privacy policy of these providers changes regularly. It is recommended that you regularly check the privacy policies of these providers through their websites.

Overview of cookies used

Below you will find an overview of the cookies that are used on our website, which data is collected, for what purpose and for what period:








Shopify installs this cookie to track landing pages.

14 days



This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite.

1 year



This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite.

30 minutes



This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite.

1 year



This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite.

30 minutes



Provided by Google Tag Manager to experiment advertisement efficiency of websites using their services.

3 months



Shopify sets this cookie which is used in connection with checkout.

14 days



This is a Shopify analytics cookie relating to marketing and referrals.

30 minutes



This is a Shopify analytics cookie relating to marketing and referrals.

30 minutes



Hotjar sets this cookie to identify a new user’s first session. It stores a true/false value, indicating whether it was the first time Hotjar saw this user.

30 minutes



Hotjar sets this cookie to know whether a user is included in the data sampling defined by the site's daily session limit.

2 minutes



Hotjar sets this cookie to know whether a user is included in the data sampling defined by the site's pageview limit.

2 minutes



Hotjar sets this cookie to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie.

30 minutes



Flickr sets this cookie to track usage of photo galleries embedded from Flickr.

14 days



The JSESSIONID cookie is used by New Relic to store a session identifier so that New Relic can monitor session counts for an application.




Shopify sets this cookie to be used in connection with customer login.

1 year



Shopify sets this cookie to remember the user’s country of origin and populate the correct transaction currency.

14 days



Shopify sets this cookie to be used in connection with shopping cart.

14 days



Shopify sets this cookie to be used in connection with store checkout.

14 days



This cookie is used in connection with the shopping cart.

14 days



No description available.

14 days



No description

30 minutes



No description

1 year



No description

30 minutes



No description available.

30 minutes



No description available.

1 year



No description available.

1 year



No description available.




No description




Shopify sets this cookie to store the preferred country setting chosen by the visitor.

30 minutes

Manage, turn off or delete cookies

You can of course choose not to give permission for the placing of cookies. You can also block certain cookies in the settings of the internet browser you use. These settings differ per internet browser. You can find an explanation about this in the help function of the internet browser. If you would like to manage your cookie preferences on the Site, you may do so here. However, if you decide to block cookies, clear your cookies, or modify your cookie preferences, this may affect the access and operation of our Site.

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